Reading Chiara Ferragni's blog I discovered the All That's Stylist by Arianna Roda super cute creations and I immediately decided to get two of her shirts: the " I Love Birkin" one and the "Cinderella" version. I received the package a couple days ago but only today I had the chance to wear one of them, in particular the Birkin one as you can see in the photo below. They're very well designed and even if usually you choose to wear a T-Shirt instead of other things because of their great comfort I can say that Arianna's shirts are glamourous as much as any other famous brand's creations. Moral: take a look at them, they're worth it!
giovedì 3 giugno 2010
All That's Stylist by Arianna Roda ♥
Leggendo il blog di Chiara Ferragni ( ) ho scoperto le deliziose creazioni di Arianna Roda ( ) ed ho immediatamente deciso di accaparrarmi 2 dei suoi modelli: le T-Shirts "I Love Birkin" e "Cinderella". Le ho ricevute da un paio di giorni ed oggi ho finalmente avuto l'occasione di indossare la prima (di cui vedete la foto sotto). Il materiale è di ottima fattura e oltretutto pur essendo una T-Shirt che in genere viene preferita ad altri tipi di capi per comodità e semplicità la ritengo glamour tanto quanto qualsiasi altro capo creato da brand famosi. Morale della favola: dateci un' occhiata, ne vale la pena!
Reading Chiara Ferragni's blog I discovered the All That's Stylist by Arianna Roda super cute creations and I immediately decided to get two of her shirts: the " I Love Birkin" one and the "Cinderella" version. I received the package a couple days ago but only today I had the chance to wear one of them, in particular the Birkin one as you can see in the photo below. They're very well designed and even if usually you choose to wear a T-Shirt instead of other things because of their great comfort I can say that Arianna's shirts are glamourous as much as any other famous brand's creations. Moral: take a look at them, they're worth it!
Reading Chiara Ferragni's blog I discovered the All That's Stylist by Arianna Roda super cute creations and I immediately decided to get two of her shirts: the " I Love Birkin" one and the "Cinderella" version. I received the package a couple days ago but only today I had the chance to wear one of them, in particular the Birkin one as you can see in the photo below. They're very well designed and even if usually you choose to wear a T-Shirt instead of other things because of their great comfort I can say that Arianna's shirts are glamourous as much as any other famous brand's creations. Moral: take a look at them, they're worth it!
all that's stylist,
arianna roda,
martedì 1 giugno 2010
Finalmente ho recuperato il mio blog! Ho avuto dei problemi col mio account Google e fino ad oggi non riuscivo più ad accedere e di conseguenza a fare nuovi post. Assurdo vero? Cambiando discorso..Questo sabato compirò 23 anni e anche se molto probabilmente non lo merito ho ricevuto uno splendido regalo dai miei genitori: la super cool Lady Dior Lambskin (in versione pink). Originariamente questa borsa fu creata appositamente per la Principessa Diana e fin da allora viene considerata una it bag che rinnova il suo stile ogni anno. Non l'ho ancora ricevuta ma quando la avrò tra le mani posterò sicuramente delle foto. Nel frattempo per mostrarvi questo gioiellino userò la foto presente nel sito ufficiale Dior, che ne dite?
Finally I got my blog back! I had some issues with my Google's account and for a while I was unable to post, this is bizarre isn't it? Btw soon it'll be my birthday, I'll turn 23 and even if maybe I don't deserve it I got from my parents an amazing gift, the super cool Lady Dior Lambskin (pink version)!Originally it was specially created for Princess Diana and since then it became a it bag that renews its style every year. I haven't received it yet but I'll post some photos for sure. In the meanwhile, to show you this little jewel I'll use the official Dior website image, check it out!

XOXO, Stefania
Finally I got my blog back! I had some issues with my Google's account and for a while I was unable to post, this is bizarre isn't it? Btw soon it'll be my birthday, I'll turn 23 and even if maybe I don't deserve it I got from my parents an amazing gift, the super cool Lady Dior Lambskin (pink version)!Originally it was specially created for Princess Diana and since then it became a it bag that renews its style every year. I haven't received it yet but I'll post some photos for sure. In the meanwhile, to show you this little jewel I'll use the official Dior website image, check it out!

XOXO, Stefania
martedì 6 aprile 2010
New Wallet
Dopo uno spiacevole avvenimento riguardante il mio vecchio portafogli di Hello Kitty (che saluto XD) ho scelto sul sito dello store online di Valentino il mio nuovo signor Wallet.
After a bad accident with my old Hello Kitty's wallet (bye bye baby) I chose my new one on Valentino's online store. Love it?

XOXO Stefania
sabato 27 marzo 2010
Marc Jacobs New York Rocker Stam Bag

Ecco.. questa è una delle borse di cui sono innamorata praticamente da mesi, AMO Marc Jacobs e questa borsa racchiude molte delle cose che mi piacciono: il blu elettrico, le paillettes fatto che sia una borsa lol. Non so se prima o poi riuscirò ad averla considerato il prezzo non esattamente abbordabile ma ci spero!
Okay.. this is the bag that I'm 'stalking' lately. I LOVE Marc Jacobs and this bag is a sum of my favourite things: metallic blue, paillettes and.. IT'S A BAG, come on guys. I don't know if soon or later I'll buy it but I hope that, even if the price isn't really affordable.
marc jacobs,
new york rocker stam bag,
giovedì 25 marzo 2010
DKNY sneakers

Queste sono le DKNY (Donna Karan New York) che ho appena acquistato. Mi piacciono molto perchè pur essendo sportive sono in qualche modo anche particolari e da quando ho preso anche la Eldridge Bag della stessa marca DKNY è entrato nella lista dei miei brand preferiti.
I just bought these DKNY sneakers. I like them because they're simple but from my point of view I think that some details are cute and glamourous. Since I bought also the Eldridge Bag of the same brand DKNY has become one of my favourite brands.
The Twilight Saga - Eclipse

The Twilight Saga - Eclipse
30 giugno 2010
Non vedo l'oraaaa! =D
The Twilight Saga - Eclipse
June 30
I can't waaaaait =D
kristen stewart,
new moon,
robert pattinson,
taylor lautner,
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